Next National Gathering | 26 – 28 March 2025 | Eden Project

 26th – 28th March 2025 | The Eden Project

What is Anthropy?

Anthropy’s purpose is to inspire a better Britain, by acting as a unique national convener, dedicated to fostering cross-sector collaboration to address national interests. We focus on facilitating public-private-non-profit understanding and partnerships, bringing together leaders from all sectors. 

Empowering leaders to
shape the future of Britain.

Empowering leaders to shape the future of Britain.

Inspire. Involve. Impact. That’s what we do at Anthropy. It isn’t about “me” or “you” … It’s about all of us coming together to create positive change. Anthropy is the experience of ‘cultivated serendipity’ where leaders from all walks of life convene and converge to ignite a different type of thinking, feeling, and action-taking on Britain’s future.

At our National gathering, Anthropists come together at the renowned Eden Project in Cornwall. Stay in the loop with what’s next for Anthropy by following us on our social channels or signing up for our newsletter.

Anthropy's ambition

​​​Anthropy exists to inspire a better Britain. One which is more positive, sustainable, equitable and successful. We promote the ability for leaders to help shape the national narrative, encourage longer term collaborative thinking and aspire to:​​


A country where there is equity of opportunity and, regardless of one's start in life, a country which supports everyone to maximise their own potential and their own positive contribution to society.


A country where harmony exists in our natural and built environments and where such places are vibrant for all who live within them — people, and fellow species.


A country that rewards entrepreneurial endeavour and is focused on creating solutions to our needs through ethical and sustainable businesses. An economy which incentivises and supports the creation of value in all its definitions.

Global Perspective

A country that recognises its inheritance as an outward looking, positive contributor, to support humanity and address global issues such as totalitarianism, climate change, poverty, human rights, health and education. A country that looks to achieve positive influence through trade, aid, cultural and soft power.

Photo of delegate using the app

The Anthropy Charter

The golden thread running through everything we say and do. The Anthropy Charter is a bold response to conversations among emerging and established leaders at our inaugural gathering, Anthropy22. It is a new mindset to apply one’s influence and leadership as part of a national endeavour to inspire a better Britain. It captures the calling for a new era of leadership, empowering Anthropists to embrace a dynamic stewardship of human kindness, meaningful collaboration, and unbound leadership.

The Anthropy Network

The Anthropy Network serves as a vibrant hub to connect people beyond annual gatherings. It empowers our community to thrive and grow as they forge meaningful connections, exchange experiences, and collaborate on transformative ideas. With broad reach, the Anthropy Network amplifies leaders’ impact and brings meaningful change. To join the Anthropy Network group on LinkedIn, please sign up to the Anthropy Charter

The Anthropy Pathway

The Anthropy Pathway is your compass for personal growth and route to maximising your efforts through collaboration. It builds on inspiration from our annual gathering and takes you on a journey of expanding your full potential. Rooted in the bold ambition of inspiring a better Britain, this Pathway draws upon the impactful themes that define Anthropy and encourages leaders to take four transformative action steps.

1 Shape your agenda using the Anthropy themes, and your personal experience at the gathering.

2 Activate your own sphere of influence, having adopted the charter as your personal approach.

3 Accelerate your action through collaboration, by involving the Anthropy Network, as well as your own.

4 Amplify success to inspire others

The Anthropy

Together, our Charter, Network, and Pathway harmoniously form the Anthropy Framework — a dynamic and unified strategy that embodies our commitment to continuous improvement. Drawing upon insights from Anthropy22, this evolving process guides Anthropists to take action and provides a mechanism for creating a better Britain. The Anthropy Framework propels all Anthropists towards taking both individual and collective action to shape the future.

Anthropy Insights Report 2024

In partnership with Ipsos, Anthropy surveyed more than 3,000 participants of our national gathering and members of the public on the state of the nation.

This report summarises the results, supported by intelligence from the national gathering sessions, and reveals the priorities identified which inform aspects of our huge shared agenda moving forward.

Take a look and discover the current state of affairs across various sectors, together with insights and ideas around the emerging patterns, challenges, and opportunities that shape our country’s trajectory.

Anthropy’s vision is for a society that is more positive, sustainable, equitable, and successful for the benefit of us all.